Monday, January 26, 2009

Week 2

So my week 2 weigh in was not as large as last week but I think that 4 pounds is pretty good. I also joined a gym and commited to it for 1 year. Look at me go. I have never stepped foot in a gym much less joined. Look out sore body. I know it is a coming


Millers! said...

4 pounds is awesome, I know I am a blog stalker, but I am a total gym rat right now, luckily in the military, we have free gyms, with a free daycare and free fitness trainer... BUT I am going to try this 6 week body makeover, my friend gave me all the stuff for my body type, SO I will check in on you and you can check in on me if you want.. I have 15 more pounds to go, and I have hit a major plateau that is killing me! WAY TO GO GIRL!! 14 pounds is awesome for 2 weeks!

Millers! said...

I am body type C... I am going to start on Monday since payday is Friday... I need to figure out menus...ohhhhh you totally have an advantage being a not fair! I guess its lots of fish and chicken for me... I know I can have fruits and veggies too.. I will just write my progress in your comments.. I usually do my weigh ins on Saturdays!