Thursday, April 30, 2009

Quick Update

Hey everyone. Just a quick update as to let you know how I am doing on my weight loss. I am down 51 pounds. For me that is amazing. I went shopping for some new summer clothes with my friend Joni. I am still really not sure of my body so I needed some input from her. I was still grabbing clothes at the size I used to wear. I love me some baggy clothes. Joni handed me some shorts and I tried them on. They were a size 22. I started this whole journey in a size 32. That is 10 whole sizes. I can comfortably fit in to a 18/20 shirt and not look horrible. The next step is being able to buy clothes in a "normal" store, and not have to go to the large people store.
I admit that I have not been going to the gym as much as I should. Now, seeing myself in smaller clothes, I really want to start toning up my arms and abs. I have a lot of work ahead of me so wish me luck.


Simply Sarah said...

Hey Cori - I'm so happy for you! You're kicking some weight loss butt!! Please don't get discouraged that you can't shop in 'normal' stores. "Normal" stores are WAY overrated and you have to be between a 00 and a 12 to be able to shop there. I haven't done it for YEARS! I know you'll be able to do it some day, but I'm just saying don't get discouraged that you can't YET. That day will come soon. I'm excited for that day myself. :) Keep up the good work Cori!!!!

Patrick and Paige said...