Friday, October 31, 2008


The Boys and I met Patrick and Paige at Sweet Tomatoes for dinner. The boys ate for FREE because they were dressed up. (Can't beat Free)
We Trick-or-Treated in Paige's sister's neighborhood. It was really fun.

Here I am with my boys.

JJ was a rock star and Cody was a Biker Chopper dude.

I drew nipple rings on JJ. It was hilarious.

I have a tear in my eye from laughing so hard. JJ has Heely's and he was going down a hill and Paige leaned over to me and said, "He is gonna crash hard" and sure enough right when she was done saying it he bit it and crumpled on the ground. It was hilarious. He didn't get hurt but we had a good laugh.This guy scared the kids pretty bad this year. None of them would come close to the candy, Not even JJ would get too close. It was so funny.

Paige's sister Heather has 3 kids. Her son Jacob is Cody's age and they are best buds.
The boys had fun playing and eating candy after trick-or-treating.
This is Paige's Niece Brooke. She is such a cuddler and I had fun holding her.
She thought JJ was funny with his crazy hair.

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